House Hacking 101 for Millennials: Let Your Renters Foot the Bill!
Mortgage Broker
Scott Gereaux Mortgage Broker
Published on September 1, 2023

House Hacking 101 for Millennials: Let Your Renters Foot the Bill!

Dive into the World of House Hacking

Dreaming of homeownership but dreading the monthly mortgage payments? What if we told you there’s a trick up the real estate sleeve that might have those payments taken care of, and no, it’s not a fairy godmother. Enter the world of house hacking.

What’s House Hacking?

For the uninitiated, house hacking is the art (and genius!) of buying a multi-unit property, living in one unit, and renting out the others. The goal? To have your tenants’ rent cover your mortgage. Sounds like magic, right? Let’s pull back the curtain.

Perks of Letting Renters Pay Your Way

  • Financial Freedom: The bulk of homeownership stress comes from the looming mortgage payments. Now, imagine that weight lifted off by your renters. Ah, the relief!
  • Stepping Stone: Not ready for full-blown landlord status? Starting with a smaller multi-unit property offers a taste of what it’s like without overwhelming you.
  • Building Equity for $0: With tenants covering your mortgage, you’re essentially building equity in the property without spending a dime from your pocket.

House Hacking in Action

Let’s break this down with a scenario:

  • Property Type: Triplex (3 units)
  • Your Monthly Mortgage: $3,000/month
  • Rental Income (2 Units): $1,500/month each

Bingo! With two units rented out, you’ve got your entire mortgage covered.

But Wait…Are There Hitches?

Like any grand plan, there are some things to consider:

  1. Being a Landlord: It’s not just about collecting rent. You’re responsible for repairs, disputes, and sometimes, those 2 a.m. broken faucet calls.
  2. Vacancies: There will be times when a unit might be empty. Ensuring you have a safety net for these periods is crucial.
  3. Property Maintenance: Keeping the property in top-notch condition is key to keeping (and attracting) quality tenants.

Maximizing Your House Hacking Strategy

  • Pick Prime Locations: Properties in sought-after areas or close to amenities can command higher rents.
  • Build Relationships: Good rapport with tenants can lead to long-term rental relationships, reducing turnover.
  • Consider Short-Term Rentals: Sites like Airbnb can offer opportunities for higher rental income, especially in tourist-heavy areas.

The Grand Finale: How to Start?

  • Research: Look for multi-unit properties in areas with potential growth.
  • Financing: Explore mortgage options tailored for multi-unit properties.
  • Screen Tenants: A credit check, references, and a rental application can go a long way in ensuring you get quality renters.

Eager to make the leap into the world of house hacking? Ready to let someone else foot your mortgage bill? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive in!

If you’d rather chat about your house hacking dreams, schedule some time on my calendar.

If this strategy made your eyes twinkle, don’t keep it to yourself! Spread the love, share the wisdom, and introduce your friends to this savvy approach to homeownership and wealth-building. After all, who doesn’t like having someone else pick up the tab? 😉

Mortgage Broker
Scott Gereaux Mortgage Broker
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(720) 775-7675